Michele Robinson offers consultancy services in public debt management specialising in:
Institutional Assessments - assesses the institutional arrangements for public debt management in countries, assists in strethening the institutional framework for public debt management, works with governments to establish a fully-fucntioning debt management office.
Public Debt Statistics - helps debt management offices compile and disseminate comprehensive public debt statistics, including the preparation of debt statistics bulletins.
Debt Management Training - structures and delivers tailored training workshops on various aspects of public debt management including: Principles of Public Debt Management, Loan Evaluation, Debt Restructuring, and Portfolio Analysis.
Debt recording and management systems (CS-DRMS and CS Meridian) - provides specialised training in the use of various CS-DRMS and Meridian recording, reporting and analytical modules; undertakes comprehensice database validations.
E-learning - prepares content material on various areas of public debt management and provides mentor support to learners.
She has over 30 years of public debt management experience working in over 20 countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, and the Pacific.
She has worked closely with several international development institutions and technical assistance providers such as the Asian Development Bank, the Commonwealth Secretariat, Debt Relief International, the International Monetary Fund, CARTAC, PFTAC, and the World Bank'